Name: Adam Brenneman
UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of 2006
Events: 50 & 100 Free, 100 Back
BS Chemistry 2006
BS Biology 2006
Masters Chemistry 2010
Profession: Hall County Fire Rescue – Firefighter / EMT
Current residence: Gainesville, GA
What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?
Being part of a team that dominated the conference all 4 years was pretty great. Best swimming related memories were being part of relay teams at conferences and really feeling the team aspect of college swimming.
How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?
Any college sport teaches you the importance of time management, physical and mental stress management, and makes you develop a strong work ethic. Members of UNCW Swimming and Diving while I was there learned all these things, and were lucky to get the opportunity to learn other important life lessons from Coach Allen and Forrester. How to be a good person, a good man, and have fun doing what you love.
What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?
Right after I left UNCW, I started a business which led me to a career in digital marketing in South Florida. After doing that for about 10 years, my wife Jessie and I moved to Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Georgia and now I get to be a Firefighter/EMT in the county where we live, starting Paramedic school this fall. We just had twin boys (Cooper & Ryder) in December 2021!
Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?
Anywhere on a boat.
Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?
Billy Rhinehart’s version of Gametime
Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?
Enjoy your time in college. Enjoy your sport and your teammates. Prepare for the real world and work hard, but make sure to squeeze every bit of fun out of the time you get to spend in paradise.