Dave Allen Update #3

September 24, 2020

Aquahawk Family,
I just wanted to provide you with the latest update of Coach Allen’s treatment.  Apparently, all our prayers are being heard and have been set in motion based on the report we received from Coach Wednesday he had an MRI performed on his brain to evaluate the multiple lesions observed prior to the radiation treatment he received months ago.  The results indicated that almost all of those lesions have been eradicated and the few that remain are showing signs that they are currently dying.  This is amazing news and the need for a Plan B with regards to his brain is now unnecessary.  
Therefore, the focus will now be on the tumors in his lungs.  Early in his treatment, at Duke oncology, he was being treated with a cocktail of both chemo-therapy and immuno-therapy.  As you can imagine the chemo (poison) was tough on his body but he soldiered through and now he is only getting immuno-therapy which is much more tolerable.  He is mending well (relative to the “coach” we all know), as is his sleep, appetite, strength, and of course his epic optimism is all in check.  He expects to be back in the ocean swimming in short order and I’m sure many of us hope the water is freezing.  
Bottom-line: his prognosis for what is a really “nasty” illness is looking promising but let’s not take our foot off the gas; keep the prayers going and look out for the next report coming soon.  Please feel free to send coach an email to help celebrate his endearing recovery!  Best email is Seahawksoars@gmail.com and he really enjoys the communications from y’all.
We will be coordinating an alumni get together and hopefully have the opportunity to greet each other in person once we get clearance for social interaction.  Stay tuned and continue the power of positive thinking for coach’s recovery!
Bob Blum
Pete Gratale
Alumni & Soul Mates for Coach