Seahawk Spotlight: Andrew Coen

way back when...

somewhere close to now...

August 5, 2021

Name: Andrew Coen

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of 2004

Events: 200 Breast, 200/400 IM

Degree: Business Administration

Profession: Business Owner and Territory Manager

Current residence: Charlotte, NC

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?

All of the amazing relationships I developed. Not only with some of my best friends I talk to and see regularly, its also the deep feeling of connection for everyone in the program. I would go to bat for every one of you. (I have a specific memory for the video)

There is one specific memory and it has a date… February 22, 2002. It was the year we put a crown on everything that Coach and all the alumni who came before us had built. After getting second at my freshman year conference championships we knew we had something special. We completely came together that next season with a singular goal, it was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever been a part of in my life and i’ll never forget it. (close second is saving the program). As the season progressed we were so confident, probably borderline arrogant, that we were going to win CAA’s. JMU had won the previous 7 of 9 championships and we knew we were going to take them down, so much so that we had shirts made up for the first night of finals that called our shot. On the front it said “February 22, 2002…” and on the back said “That was the night everything changed.” The rest is history.

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?

 It has given me the relationships I mentioned above, but also taught me about myself and what I can accomplish through highs and lows.

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?

My wife Lily and I have 3 amazing children named Lyla (11), Emilia (6), and Theo (1.5). We own a women’s boutique clothing store here in Charlotte named K-LA that we are very proud of… If we’re being honest I’m basically a glorified handyman and heavy lifter, my wife is the real reason the business is successful.  But I do know more about women’s clothing than I ever thought I would!   I also have my day job at Maglin Site furniture where I work with architects and designers to help create amazing green spaces for our communities.  When we aren’t working we like to hang out with friends and family at our pool (raising water bugs), and I try to get several swims in a week. Never know when I finally join masters or even need to hustle someone at the local swim club!  We also like to travel when we can; my wife is from Bogota, Colombia so getting back there again soon is on the list of post-pandemic to-do’s!

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?

Wrightsville Beach. It was one of the main deciding factors in attending UNCW. And being on the ocean rescue squad didn’t hurt…

Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?


Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?

You are developing lifelong skills and relationships throughout your time in the UNCW swimming and diving program. These are skills that will benefit you, whatever you do in life. The relationships are ones that you will able to lean on when you need it the most. Take care of both and cultivate them and no doubt you will be successful.