Seahawk Spotlight: Carly Tanner

way back when...

somewhere close to now...

May 19, 2021

Name: Carly Tanner

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of 2013

Events: 100 Breaststroke, 50 Free, 100 Free

Degree: B.A. in Communication Studies with Journalism minor  

Profession: Videographer / Entrepreneur 

Current residence: Durham, NC

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?

I have so many great memories from my time in the program! For one, the pool used to have these acrylic covers on the stands’ front row handrails, and during dual meets, the alumni would bang on those things while they were cheering for us and it would get SO loud and really turn the energy up. It was so fun to hear that before taking off in a relay or after someone winning an event. They aren’t there anymore but when I think of dual meet fun, I think of that! 

At conference, it was really special to win all three of my events in my senior year, especially knowing that my times would make the NCAA cut. It was wild to represent UNCW on a national scale and something I never expected to do when I came in as a freshman. 

Relay wins were such a highlight too! At my junior year conference, I was on the 4Free Relay with three seniors, and we didn’t expect to win the race at all – but somehow we pulled it out from lane 2 or something ridiculous like that. It was also really special to share that with one of my closest friends from the program, Anna Munger. 

I also met my now-husband on the team, so that’s a highlight too, haha! 

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?

I learned a lot about myself during my time in the program. I learned what it means to hold yourself accountable, to push yourself past your limits, to make unpopular but necessary decisions as a captain, and to never give up on yourself, even when other people did. I met some of my closest and best friends on the team – people who stood beside me as I got married and that I know will stand beside me through life. 

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?

I got my masters in Communication and Digital Media from NC State and started my own videography business. I mainly create promotional content for small businesses and freelance occasionally for UNC sports. 

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?

Einstein’s after morning practice, the video edit suite in Leutze, Tower 7, PCJ, and the north end of the beach for sunrises and south end for sunsets! 

Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?


Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?

I once listened to a podcast with actor Edward Norton where he talked about how life rewards people who take really big swings at it. So my advice to current swimmers and divers would be to take big swings. Go for it with your full chest. Send it. Don’t leave anything behind. Don’t worry about the results – just push yourself and enjoy every second. You never know what can happen. 

And for recent alumni – take some time to rest after taking those big swings. You just finished a massive career that has defined most of your life. Take some time to explore yourself and be open to new opportunities and experiences. You got this. And always – Hawk Pride!