Seahawk Spotlight: Emily Brown

way back when...

somewhere close to now...

May 12, 2023

Name: Emily Brown (formerly Schwartz)

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of 2014 

Events: 200Fr, 500 Fr, 1650 Fr

Degree: BS Marine Biology and Chemistry UNCW; PhD Biology Georgia Tech

Profession: Postdoctoral research in Marine ecology

Current residence: Charleston, SC

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?

The entire conference meet my senior year… the year that wasn’t supposed to happen. I remember Coach Allen starting the meet by saying “Remember last May? We weren’t supposed to be here. Let’s show them why we are.” Almost getting cut in the spring made the meet that much more special and provided even more motivation. Then watching the men’s team bring home their 13th straight championship. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. 

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?

It taught me how to be a part of team and Coach Allen really showed me how to build a strong team. As I begin to take on a leadership role in labs I often reflect on how Coach managed to find ways to motivate all of us swimmers and get us to all work together even though we had a wide array of personalities. If I can lead a lab the same way Coach led us as a team then I will consider myself successful. Also, winter training and the push to save the team in 2013 showed me that I have way more grit than I give myself credit sometimes. So whenever I feel like I am struggling in a workout, work, or life I can look back at my time on the UNCW Swim and Dive team and know that I am capable of getting through whatever life throws at me. 

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?

I got married to my college boyfriend David Brown. I also went on to get my PhD in Biology with a minor in Marine Chemical Ecology at Georgia Tech. Currently I am splitting my time between my home in Charleston, SC with my husband and dog (Rhea) and finishing up a postdoctoral researcher position in Fort Myers, FL at Florida Gulf Coast University. 

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?

I was a bit of a nerd so the Center For Marine Science, the Catholic center, and the beaches (Kure beach for a quiet day or Wrightsville Beach when I was feeling more social)

Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?

Sea, Sea, Sea, Seahawks!

Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni? 

We have a huge alumni network in many different careers so don’t be afraid to reach out and utilize it. Also, it’s ok to take a bit of a break when you finish your swimming/diving career but then find some way to be active. After all the years of competitive swimming/diving training we become creatures of habit and keeping active is something your body and mental health will thank you for.