Seahawk Spotlight: Gershon Alaluf

way back when...

somewhere close to now...

November 15, 2022

Name: Gershon Alaluf

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of ’95

Events: backstroke, mid-distance freestyle

Degree: BS Chemistry, Minor in Math and Spanish

Profession: Veterinarian and Vacation Rental Consultant

Current residence:  Newport Beach, CA

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program? 

The team, the travel, being able to say you went through it all with a group of people that have had such a huge impact on your life, the education, and the social life for sure!!!

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life? 

It changed my life.  I would not be where I am today without Coach Dave Allen and the UNCW Swim Team.  It is one of the crucibles that still shape me to this day.

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck? 

I got my BS and DVM at the University of Illinois.  I got married to my wonderful wife.  I have 3 amazing daughters that are D1 athletes.  I own 2 veterinary practices, one in Laguna Beach and one in Huntington Beach.  I also own/run vacation rental properties in SoCal, AZ, and Mexico.  I am currently completing my MBA at Pepperdine University.

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW? 

Reds, Red Dogs, the beach, CLEARBROOK DRIVE, Perkins Saturday mornings after AM practice, PTs whenever we could

Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer? 

“Here’s to ECU…………………”

Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?  

For those that have just finished, it is time for you to instil your legacy in the program.  What are you going to do to make sure the UNCW swimming and diving team is strong and healthy for years to come?  For those that are there right now, LIVE IT UP!!!!  Undergrad is the greatest 4,5, or for some 6 years of your life.  You are at a school that may be on the smaller side but has amazing stories that can be shared with many generations.  Make sure you reach out to the Alumni when you can.  We have been through it, lived it, and came out ahead.  If you look at the UNCW S&D Alumni, we are the most successful group of scholar-athletes that has ever set foot on campus.  The future is limitless but please make sure you do not do stuff that will limit you.  Work hard, train hard, study hard, learn your social game and continue that success in and out of the pool.