Seahawk Spotlight: Jamie (Hamill) Lally

way back when...

somewhere close to now...

July 26, 2023

Name: ​​Jamie (Hamill) Lally 

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of _2004___ 

Events: 50-yard freestyle, 100-yard freestyle, 100-yard butterfly 

Degree: Physical Education 

Profession: Teacher 

Current residence: Columbia, SC 

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?

I am competitive at heart so I fit in well at UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program! The competitive atmosphere was fun and made the early mornings, countless laps, and hard work all worth it. Beating East Carolina University at their home pool was one of my favorite memories. I remember Coach Allen saying “ Start the bus and let’s get out of here” because the tension was so high. UNCW vs. ECU was the most competitive dual meet we had, a true rivalry, and it was a blast! Swimming is not a contact sport but that meet was the closest it came. 

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?

Being a part of UNCW’s Swimming and Diving program had such a big impact on my life. The friendships that were formed are priceless. The memories that were made are something I will hold close forever. The life lessons I learned in the pool from Coach Allen and Dan Forrester helped me in many ways as I entered adulthood. They were both excellent role models and encouraged me even when I learned the hard way (Like missing morning practice and having to do doubles that afternoon!). 

There was a void in my life after swimming ended. Considering all the years, months, and hours put into such a wonderful sport, it was no surprise it took some time to find that passion again. I went on to coach High School Men and Women’s Swimming. Being on deck again in the presence of swimmers who shared the same passion I did was incredible. The adrenalin and competitiveness were back! These days I now have a different role! I have two young boys who have just started their swimming journey. Long or short, I’m grateful for each experience, and seeing it come full circle has been special. 

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?

I have two boys named Brooks and Henry. They keep my husband Mike and I busy here in Columbia SC! I have taught elementary school for 13 years and will be working with high school students this coming school year. I have also worked in the mental health field as a Mental Health Coach to provide resources to people who are in need. 

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?

I loved walking The Loop at Wrightsville Beach, a night out at Level 5, The Reel Cafe, Slice of Life, and Dockside!

 Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?

“And remember it’s ALWAYS a great day to be a Seahawk!” 

Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?

Find the thing that brings you pure joy and connects you to who you are. Never be too busy for it. The job will be there, the chores will be there, but don’t lose your passion because that’s what makes you feel alive!