Seahawk Spotlight: Rebekah Asselin (Teague)

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somewhere close to now...

March 16, 2023

Name: Bekah (Teague) Asselin

UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of: 2006

Events: 50 Free, 100 Back, 100 Fly, 100 Free

Degree: BA in Communication Studies

Profession: Marketing Consultant in Healthcare

Current residence: Leesburg, VA

What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program?

It’s the easy answer, but it’s the truest one: winning CAA’s senior year, along with the men’s team, and Coach Allen getting coach of the year for both teams! I was on the team during the early to middle years of the men’s team dominating the conference – and it was exciting, but it was tough. We (the women) were working just as hard, just as many hours each week, and we craved an opportunity to be on top. 2006 was a dream come true- it all fell into place, session after session. As a sprinter, I got to be a part of relays pretty often, and it was always my favorite way to race. I’ll never forget leading off the 400 free relay in that final session, knowing we were likely to win the race, but knowing we were for sure going to take the title for the meet. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end my collegiate career. Both teams crowding around the podium- with a championship trophy for each of us- and jumping into the pool together was the cherry on top!

Least favorite memory? 3,000 for time, 3 mile run, 3,000 for time. Not what I was made for.

How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life?

I don’t think you realize the physical and mental toughness you develop as a collegiate athlete, especially as a swimmer, while it’s happening. But when you get the chance to look back, you realize all the ways it’s formed you into the person you’ve become. There are things I learned that have served me well- commitment, dedication, time management, resiliency- but the relationships I built have influenced my life the most.

Living together can make anyone close, but showing up every day – committed to the same goal and pushing your body as hard as you can to reach that goal- that can bring you closer than a lot of people will ever experience.

I met my best friend, Whitney Woods on my recruiting trip my senior year, when I was only 16. We both committed to UNCW and lived in the same suite our freshman year- then we chose to be roommates off campus for the next 3 years and eventually she stood next to me on my wedding day. Every fall we text each other to say “Happy Anniversary” for the time we met, and 2023 will be 22 years! (now I feel quite old). All of that to say- being a part of this team gave me a family. A home away from home. Whitney may be my true OG, but there a lot of us who still stay in touch- we text regularly and try to get together when we can. We’ve been through marriages and divorces, we’ve lost parents and siblings and teammates, some have even battled cancer- but we all know there’s a group of girls to reach out to, who care, and who have been there through the thick of it all.

Without UNCW Swimming & Diving, those relationships wouldn’t exist.

I will always be thankful for Coach Allen, for bringing this team into my life- all the people that spanned my 4 years. It’s a pretty incredible thing to be a part of.

What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck?

I married a guy from UNCW who played soccer, and we managed to stay in Wilmington for several years. Looking for something to fill the void left by swimming, I slowly took up running and started doing triathlons. We moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL and lived there for 8 years where I started working in healthcare marketing, and I’m still with that company. God has given us 3 amazing little girls, and now we live near where I grew up in Northern Virginia. Last summer, my 5 & 7 year olds completed their first summer league swim season together, and its really wild to be on the other end of it now. I only hope they love it as much as I did!

Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW?

We lived at the beach our senior year, so I’ve got to say the beach bars. But also, Flaming Amy’s. Two words: pineapple salsa.

Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer?

I know everyone loves when the guys do “Game Time”, and we’ll always have fond memories of Coach Allen dancing to Sweet Caroline, but I think there was something really cool about saying the Lord’s Prayer together, especially at conferences. Its quiet, and everyone’s huddled together. Coach is reading through the meet sheet, telling us how many swimmers each team has in the prelim and final heats- and what we have to do to pull ahead or lock in a win. Its like the anticipation builds and you’re getting focused and hyped- and then everyone quietly, in low voices, says the Lord’s Prayer. The calm before the storm- then he just unleashes us to go get the job done.

Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni?

Find something you love to do- a new sport, or maybe return to an old one that you gave up a long time ago. You’d be surprised how many things are out there that can give you that “team” feeling. And never forget that it’s a great day to be a Seahawk!