Name: Sam O’Leary
UNCW Swimming & Diving Class of 1982
Events: 50 and 100 Free and 100 and 200 Fly
Degree: Therapeutic Recreation
Profession: MCCS Manager, Camp Lejeune NC. Retired
Current residence: Downtown Jacksonville NC
What is your favorite memory of being part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program? Coach Dave Allen. Still stay in close contact with of the old guys (best friends) and gals from our swimming days.
How has your experience as part of UNCW’s Swimming & Diving program impacted or influenced your life? My life would be totally deferent if I was not part of the swimming and diving teams. Dave and Ellen Allen are the best. Coach Allen is the ideal leader and mentor. Most of the old guys have moved back to Wilmington. Me, just up the street in Jacksonville. We wanted to stay close to our swim/dive programs.
What have you been up to since your days on the UNCW pool deck? Worked at Camp Lejeune for the last 32 years in a wide range Managements positions. I enjoyed working for the Active Duty Marines.
Favorite stomping grounds from your time at UNCW? Wrightsville Beach
Favorite UNCW Swimming & Diving slogan or cheer? “It’s a Great Day to be a Seahawk” Dave Allen!
Parting advice for current UNCW Swimmers and Divers and/or recent alumni? You’re in Great Hands with Coach Bobby and his team. If you can see yourself doing “it.” you can.